Oluwafemi Oyeleye
5 min readSep 16, 2020

Top 10 Qualities Of Good Friends: People You Can Rely On

Do you want to discover the qualities of good friends? Then, you’ve come to the right place.

You've got friends. But, you'd like to make new friends too. Of course, good ones. The advice that you should choose your friends and not allow them to choose you is vital here.

That’s where this article really helps. When you’re done reading, you’d have discovered the top 10 qualities of a good friend.

Before the main article, the next subheads features some interesting insights about having friends.

Do You Really Need A Friend?

You might have had a really crazy experience with people. And you’re like, "I’m gonna stay on my lane after this. I’m going to do my thing my own way. I’ll struggle, win, and enjoy alone."

But you know, friendships are great! Until you have good friends, you may never know how much you need one.

Some have created really upsetting views about blossoming friendships and relationships. But, enlightened minds would have trashed such thoughts long ago.

A phrase like, "never trust anybody," means you can’t have trustworthy friends. Never believe such lies. If you do, they become your experience. You’d live in fear and doubt you’d ever have good companions.

But you know what buddy? You really need friends - of course, good ones.

5 Reasons Why You Should Have Good Friends

1. They propel you forward

Has it occurred to you, that at times when you almost quit or take a step backward, a good friend comes around to propel you forward?

Only good friends want you to take a step that takes you higher and not pull you down.

2. You share moments and memories

Another reason you should have good friends is so you can share moments and memories together.

Friendship is mutual. Good friends value and respect one another. Everyone’s story is worth the moment and regarded.

3. They easily know when you’re going off course

You should have good friends who observe you and really can tell when you’re going off course.

Only good friends can easily spot when you’re out of the right steps. So, when you find, keep and never lose them, you simply protect yourself. That leads to the next reason why you should have good friends.

4. They correct you even when it’s most difficult

It’s a big issue to correct another who’s not your friend. "What’s my business?" That’s the first phrase on your mind.

You know your true friends by how much easier they care to correct you when you’re wrong.

Truth is, you can’t be right all the time. So, thank your star if you’ve got friends who can look at your eyeballs and tell you, "hey, you’ve missed it on this!" Those are really good friends. You should have them in your circle of friendship.

5. They won’t mess you up openly

No matter how bad you behave, good friends won’t rubbish you outside. The home is a good place for correction. Few folks know this!

Very good friends do. If you’ve got some people like this, you’re great! Never leave the comfort of these kinds of people.

Now to the main article, we've compiled for you the top 10 qualities of a good friend. We want you to know some of the qualities you'd find in good friends. So, you'll be sure you're with the right kind of friends.

Let’s go there.

The Top 10 Qualities Of A Good Friend

1. Honest

A good friend does not mince words with you. Good friends tell the truth. They don’t lie to keep you happy for a moment.

Rather, they allow you to reflect a while so you can realize where you’ve missed it.
Keep honest people as friends, you’ll be glad you did.

2. Kind

Kind people are really rare. Mind you, "kind" here, is about their care and concern for you. People who show care and concern for your progress are those you should not want to lose.

Really kind people are hard to find. But, they exist. It’s just a matter of time before you identify them.

When you discover kind friends, create an atmosphere of mutual exchange of love, care, and concern for one another.

3. Humorous

Good friends are passionately humorous. They only want you happy. They go the extra mile to ensure you’re at your best whenever they come around you.

Such people want you to be at peak so you can hit your goals faster. Don’t feel like, "really, do this kind of people exist?" I’ll ask you, "are you one of these people?" Got it?

4. Protective

Good friends are protective. If you’ve got someone who warns you, teaches you to do right, and is on the watch for you at all times, then keep the person.

A friend indeed is truly protective and doesn’t want you to fall.

5. Trustworthy

Trustworthy friends are people you can rely on and count on. These are people you can trust with your words, plans, and what you envision.

Trustworthiness is a great quality you should check to see in good friends.

6. Attentive

Good friends are attentive and not assertive. People who can calmly hear you out, listen well to capture whatever you’ve got to say are really good friends.

Attentiveness to other people shows care and genuine interest in their matters of concern. If you’re on the go to discovering a good friend amongst people you roll with, begin to observe those who’re patient to listen through to you.

7. Detective

This is funny but seriously true. It’s almost like being protective. But this is more of being able to observe sudden deeds or traits in another person.

Almost always, only good friends who admire the values they recognize you for, notice when you slip. They easily detect whenever you’re going off the path you’ve always plied.

8. Corrective

Truth is bitter, so goes the saying. But really, the listening ears of the wise will eventually listen to it. So is a correction - only the wise can bear it.

The one who corrects another really cares. Even when such isn’t so sure if the person will heed correction. A good friend is one who really cares to always correct you in love with the goal to better your life.

9. Helpful

A friend in need is a friend indeed. You’ve heard that times without number. It’s true. Friends who come around when you can help them, and flee when you need them most aren’t good friends.

Help here isn’t about just about times you chill out and spend money. Friends share moments beyond that. A problem shared with the right person or friend is half solved.

In the circle of right friendships, the only help you may need at times is the right, soothing and therapeutic words from a loving friend.

10. Loyal

Loyalty is everything when it comes to keeping healthy, mutual, and beneficial friendships. When you’ve got loyal people as friends, then you’re safe.

Loyal friends are reliably trustworthy. And they trust you too. It works really mutually. So, if you want a loyal friend, be loyal too.

Wrapping Up

To know good friends, you’ve got to be one. Good friends aren’t discovered in days or months. It may take a year or years to carefully spot a very good friend.

However, this article presents you with the top 10 qualities of good friends. They’ll surely help you on your journey to discovering those you can call good friends.

Oluwafemi Oyeleye
Oluwafemi Oyeleye

Written by Oluwafemi Oyeleye

Oluwafemi is a freelance writer who delights in helping people scale their businesses through stellar content. Contact him at unstoppablefreelance@gmail.com

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