Oluwafemi Oyeleye
4 min readDec 30, 2020



2020 seems to be filled with bumps, ups, and downs, yet there are powerful life lessons you should take from here into the next year 2021.

As this year's curtain falls and wraps up beautifully amidst its several twists, bends, and curves, you'd find this piece extremely valuable and significantly insightful.

The practical informational nuggets wrapped in this post will open your eyes to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel of 2020.

As a result, you'll come to appreciate every single bit of the year. By the time you're done reading, you'd have been fortified for an adventurous, highly hopeful, and successful 2021.

Now, to the article proper.


Getting down to the core of this article, here below are the 5 powerful life lessons you should take from this year into next year.

  1. Have Your Eggs in Many Baskets

You must have heard countless times the proverb about putting one’s eggs in one basket. This year brought reality to this ancient saying in the modern world.
Always have alternatives. It’s called having a plan B. Spread your chances wide. Don’t be okay with a single income source. Have other means.

It’s a show of foresight that helps outsmart and crush challenges well enough before they push you to the wall. No one expected a lockdown.

But when it came, some businesses quit, ventures disrupted, and institutions locked. Those who found or had alternatives thrived, made sweet millions of income. Gladly, some were by far richer. Sadly, some became poor. Pathetically, some got poorer.

2. Value Real Human Relationships

One of the greatest lessons in 2020 you should take into 2021 is to value real human relationships. Social media became the abode for many at some points in 2020. No doubt about its immense contribution to global development, improvement of communication, and networking.

But, with its usefulness comes the flip side of discourtesy, indiscipline, and looseness. Nothing stops you from being real about yourself and your values even when the pressure to fake your life mounts social forums online. You’re eventually seen, known, and found out.

The truth is, you’ll still have the same real human relationships to fall back to. The solace on social media wasn’t eternal for those who embraced it. It all happened that gradual ease and opening came. And everyone got back to their roots.

Never be fooled to think you’re something somewhere when real people cannot attest to what you’ve claimed to be. Besides the media, learn to have real friends, people you talk to and relate to socially.

Keep every valuable relationship you’ve got off vulnerability and arrows of gossip, jealousy, and backbiting, else it breaks. It’ll turn out beneficial, a treasure of fortress for times to come, maybe not immediately, but eventually.

3. Be Online

2020 was much more difficult to scale through for those with a poor online presence.

Businesses, organizations, and institutions in various places that do not create a means to work online via interconnected networking processes failed big time.

There were online measures put in place to ensure people got engaged online. Virtual employability took the floor. Online tutorials, workshops, and learning were commonplace. And those who enjoyed the moment were those with an online presence.

In 2021, and years to come, if you crave steady progress in whatever you’re into, whether marketing, entrepreneurship, or building an academy, ensure you take it online.

Use social media to promote your business, sell your market, and build your organization or institution.

4. Acquire Relevant Skills

To find your feet in the modern world, you’ve got to acquire the relevant skill required.

Content Creation, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Programming, Coding, Financial Analysis, and more are in high demand in this age. Communication skills are not left out.

A Confident expression of who and what you represent, how to persuasively present your skills as a solution to obvious problems that exist in institutions you wish to apply.

2020 made many realize the need to be skilful not just on paper, but with a real, practical, and digital approach. Should there come any reformation to the regular systems, your ability to navigate the times with relevant skills you possess will save you.

5. Invest Passionately In Yourself And People

The only investment that will see you through all your life till the end, is that which you’ve made for your wonderful self. This eventually translates to you having people you invest in.

Increasingly learn in the coming days. Learn new skills. Take courses. Read wide. Practice voraciously. And never give up doing that! Because you never can tell what tomorrow holds. Don’t wait for tomorrow to catch up with you.

Be informed. Keep good company. Relate with the right people. Always have a vibrantly purposeful mindset.

All of these are a few ways to invest and build yourself for the future. It’s always said that no one knows tomorrow, but you can shape tomorrow with all you choose to do now!

Do all these with consciousness to better your relationships, friendships, and impart real people, even as you acquire material wealth.


There you have the powerful life lessons you should take from this year to next year.

In what ways has this post been helpful to you? Have there been lessons you’ve learned this year that you feel could help someone out there?

Get to the comment section below and let’s talk about them.



Oluwafemi Oyeleye

Oluwafemi is a freelance writer who delights in helping people scale their businesses through stellar content. Contact him at unstoppablefreelance@gmail.com