3 Little Known Secrets That’ll Help You Write Better As A Beginner Writer (2022)

Oluwafemi Oyeleye
4 min readMar 2, 2022


Do you want to know the little known secrets that’ll help you write better? Are you a beginner writer that needs an authentic guide that’ll help you write better?

In this article, you’ll discover 3 little known secrets you’d need to consistently write outstanding posts and articles.

Before I take you through these 3 little known secrets that’ll help you write better, let me share my story with you, back in those days as a beginner writer.

My Short Story As A Beginner Writer

When I started to write, I used to ask myself “How do brilliant writers write words and paragraphs that flow sequentially into one another?”

Another thought that always keeps me up at night is how they can maintain the flow of their writing ideas. Aren’t they blocked by writers’ block?

But you see, you only need to read these 3 little known secrets I adopted that helped me write better, and you’ll get answers to these mind-boggling questions many beginner writers always have.

Now, let’s go.

The 3 Little Known Secrets That’ll Help You Write Better As A Beginner Writer

  1. Read Great Writers Everyday

If you’re just starting and you’re serious about honing your writing skill, you need to read a lot. I mean you have to read great writers. Truth is, a great reader is a great writer.

You need to read great writers like Jon Morrow, Neil Patel, and Sodiq Yusuf daily. You need to read something great every day. Reading them will keep your writing pen flowing. You’ll learn a great deal by reading them and studying their writings.

Before you know it, it’ll begin to affect how you write. You’ll pick elements of their skills and you can even go on to create templates with which to structure your writings from theirs.

The take-away here is:


2. Write Everyday

One of the secrets that’ll help you write better as a beginner writer is to write every day. You need to start practising writing. You can start with 300 words daily. You must have a systematic approach to it.

I write every single day. And I still do till today. Whether consciously or unconsciously, be a writing writer. What I mean is, “learn to write with the consciousness of a writer.”

My coach taught me something, a very practicable approach that keeps me writing daily.

He told me, “Femi, you know you can always write daily without having to open your word document on your smartphone or computer, and title a post and begin to craft words?”

I was like, “how would I do this?”

It appeared almost impossible. But he responded, “You send messages to people daily, and you’ll nearly always need to write something every day, right?”

I replied, “Of course, I do.”

Then he added, “Write always as a writer. Write your messages and every other thing you write to anyone, anywhere at any time with that consciousness in mind. Your Facebook posts, Whatsapp posts and whatever you put out on social media should carry your writing prowess.”

I took to his words. I stopped all nonsense abbreviations in my chats, and posts on social media. I write seriously like I’m writing for my blog. And the result?

Most people who hear me speak or write often conclude I’m a writer, whenever they come across my writings and my messages. I don’t have to show them my writer’s portfolio. They just know, it’s visible that they can’t but notice it.

3. Don’t Think, Just WRITE

As a beginner writer, stop thinking to start writing. Let yourself off and write with a powerfully ceaseless flow.

When I began writing, I used to have a book with me and I write as ideas popped in my head by the street side, in buses, in my friend’s houses and every other place I go.

Today, my phone’s notepad has replaced my writing book. You’ll find writings I sketch and ideas I come up with in my note. I visit them over and over for me to elaborate on.

At times, I write and write and ask myself, “what exactly are you writing?” That’s how you should write as a beginner. It’s called free writing. Just put your thoughts into words as much as possible.

Write about just anything. I mean anything. You can just begin to describe a stone, your house, the atmosphere, the beautiful blue sky. The seas, oceans or whatever you could think of.

And maybe you’re thinking, “great writers don’t just write anything…” Should I ask you if you knew how they began? They only started to WRITE. If you do just that, you’re on your way to becoming a great writer too.

Final Note

Don’t be scared to start writing, just start with these 3 little known secrets that’ll help you write better as a beginner writer, as I’ve shared in this thrilling article.

Writing is sweet. It helps you pour out your heart in readable and clear form. You should not pass through this world and not leave some (if not all) of your thoughts in words for people to read.

Now, with this article, you can’t claim to not know don’t how or where to begin, it’ll be a lame, stupid excuse. So, waste no more time, go get started right away.



Oluwafemi Oyeleye
Oluwafemi Oyeleye

Written by Oluwafemi Oyeleye

Oluwafemi is a freelance writer who delights in helping people scale their businesses through stellar content. Contact him at unstoppablefreelance@gmail.com

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